Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Look at what I can do!

I found my feet at four months old! I love to suck on my big toe, but sometimes suck my thumb instead. My other new tricks are: rolling front to back and back to front, giggling A LOT when Mommy and Daddy find my tickle spots, reach and grab my toys above my head when I'm on my playmat, sit in my exersaucer for a long time, and eat rice cereal and fruit from a spoon!

I prefer to stand in someone's lap instead of sitting, unless I'm "reading" books.

My Mommy and Daddy think I am so much fun!


Angie said...

He's so sweet!

nana said...

LOVE that photo!

Conrad & Cara Deese said...

cute! he's growing!! i love it when they get new skills!!

i finally had my first HOLY!! how did you get over there moment!! longer can i leave him.....(tear) i've been trying to avoid this moment :(

take care!

Jillina said...

Dinah I haven't checked in with you in a while and Will is just precious!! I'm so glad everyone is doing so great! Good to "see" you all!