Sunday, August 29, 2010

4 months

I turned 4 months old on August 12th. My mommy took me to the doctor on the 18th and he sure was proud of how much I've grown. Dr. Hamilton told Mommy that I'm a healthy boy and I could start eating cereal and baby food. Mommy told him that I've been eating rice cereal since August 1st because she can't feed me all by herself anymore. I just need more and more food!

I already told you about my new tricks this month, but I didn't tell you my numbers from my doctor's visit.

I now weigh 16 lbs, 8 oz (80th percentile)
I'm 26 and 3/4 inches long (95th percentile)

I'm so long that I can't fit into my 6 month pajamas anymore! Mommy and Daddy have to put 9 month pajamas on me at night.

I'm finally enjoying bathtime and like to grab the cup that Mommy or Daddy use to rinse the soap off. Maybe they will get me some bath toys soon. I no longer scream during the after bath lotion/q-tip/bulb syringe time. My favorite time to smile and laugh is during diaper changes. I get so excited that I kick my legs back and forth, but Mommy and Daddy don't like that too much because they have a hard time getting my diaper on or clothes on me.

My puppy dog, Nudge, likes to lick my toes. But Mommy and Daddy don't let him do that very often. I like to talk to Nudge if he's in the den while I'm in my exersaucer. He just sits in his bed and listens to all of my stories.

Next weekend, Mommy and Daddy and I are going to Chattanooga, TN to see my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins. I haven't seen my cousin Carter since I was born, and I can't wait to play with him! Scott and Camden will be there, too. Mommy and Daddy will take lots of pictures and I will share them with you soon.

Until then, here are my 4 month pictures with my little horsie and Daddy's cowboy hat. The last picture is proof of how difficult it is to feed me while sitting in my bumbo. I immediately shift my hips so that I'm turned to the right and I either chew on the side of my bumbo or I grab my feet.

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