Monday, April 25, 2011


April has been a busy month! Will celebrated his first birthday with his Daddy and also with his 3 cousins. He and Alan's birthdays are only 4 days apart. So, earlier this month we celebrated at Mimi and Papaw's house. As you can see below, our son received his first piano! He now gives us daily "concerts!"

This is how he usually plays the piano at home. He really gets into the music!

I had to put this next picture in to show you the shirt that my Mom made for Will's birthday. I also love the expression on his face. What is going on in that mind of his???
This is the "before" picture with his cupcake:
And this is the "after" picture:
Just this past week and weekend, Will was able to spend time with his cousin Carter. He currently lives in Knoxville, and we don't get to see him that often. However, we are so excited that Michael and Stephanie and Carter are moving closer this summer! These two boys are only 8 months apart in age and I can't wait to watch them become good buddies over the years to come.

This is the best picture I could get of all 4 cousins. Carter and Will were both worn out from a long day of playing with the "big boys" and this was right before a breakdown by both boys... Oh well, maybe someone else in the family was able to get a better picture.
We celebrated Will's birthday with an afternoon at Spring Park (or "Aunt Dinah's Park" as the Walker Boys call it.) Of course, Alan and I didn't bring our camera to the park. We were able to get some pictures of Will eating his cake at the party. Alan took those in a different format and I can't post them yet...

Thanks for checking in...

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Fun times with Family

Today, Alan and Will and I went to Nashville for The Walker Run; a fundraiser for Sara and Brian and the boys. Of course, I didn't bring my camera to the 5k, but did remember to get it out of the car at Brian and Sara's house later this afternoon. Here are some pictures I wanted to share:

"Will Chill" with his beautiful Aunt Sara.

The best one of the 3 cousins smiling!

Now a silly picture!
I wonder what kind of mischief these 3 will get into as they get older...

Scott helping Will with his puzzle

Uncle Alan and "Camdez," as Alan calls him. Camden rarely left his side the entire afternoon.

I want to thank those that participated in the 5k this morning and say a BIG THANK YOU to those that organized it. It was a HUGE SUCCESS!

God is Good!

Thanks for checking in...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you, Aunt Sara, for my rocking chair!
